mineral separation

美 [ˈmɪnərəl ˌsepəˈreɪʃn]英 [ˈmɪnərəl ˌsepəˈreɪʃn]
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mineral separationmineral separation
  1. Study and Design of Industrial Control Network for the Mineral Separation Plant


  2. Application of the Pyroelectric Infrared Transducer and Speech Alarm System to the Mineral Separation Engineering


  3. Design of Automatic Ore Pulp Level Control System in Mineral Separation Process


  4. Research on the Mineral Separation of Manganese Oxide Ore With Ag


  5. Energy Consumption Prediction Modeling of Mineral Separation Plant Based on Multi-Input Layer Wavelet Neural Network


  6. Fuzzy-Intelligent Control Arithmetic for the Ore Pulp Level in Mineral Separation Process


  7. Optimization of the mineral separation technical process for Baogang oxided ore


  8. Froth flotation is widely used in mineral separation .


  9. Mineral Separation Experiment and Research of Basalt Copper Oxide ore in Somewhere , Guizhou


  10. Kaolin tailing is a kind of solid waste generated from mineral separation .


  11. Development of hydraulic-operated autosampler and its application in mineral separation plants


  12. Treatment of the Mineral Separation Wastewater by Lime-Flocculant Sedimentation SPLIT-PHASE METHOD


  13. Application of glass epoxy centrifugal cyclone for kaolinite mineral separation in Hepu


  14. Flotation is a mineral separation technology by use of the difference of the chemical and physical properties of the mineral surface .


  15. An application to mineral separation engineering is introduced of the pyroelectric infrared transducer and the system of Intelligent speech production .


  16. Soil samples from several forest areas in China were analyzed by X-ray powder diffractometry after mineral separation and enrichment .


  17. In the early production , mineral separation efficiency is poor , the process is not smooth , and flotation operation is difficult .


  18. The mineral separation to medium and low grade phosphate rock is difficult for reason of specific characteristics of phosphate rock in Yunnan province .


  19. A fuzzy intelligent controller was designed for the ore pulp level in the pump sump in the classification stage of mineral separation .


  20. On the basis of small type experiment of mineral separation processing and according to actual demand of industry , the half industry and product-type experiment were tested .


  21. A fluidized bed with uniform and stable density for mineral separation can be formed when the pressure drop of gas distributor is higher than its critical value .


  22. According to the composition and dissolution of the ore , the authors had investigated uranium leaching characteristics of the ore by using technologies of mineral separation and infrared spectrum analysis , etc.


  23. Through the application of the theories from chemical engineering and mineral separation into the process analysis , the author determined that the cold-decomposition stage is the key stage the influences the whole process .


  24. The paper describes briefly the mineral separation methods and basic flowsheets that are suitable for boron-iron ore beneficiation , appropriate grinding fineness and the necessity of pre-discarding the tailings by dry magnetic separation .


  25. The paper describes the resource characters of manganese oxide ore of Liancheng Manganese Deposit , the developing process of processing technique and the current situation of mineral separation and the main problems that exist . Appropriate suggestions are also offered in the paper .


  26. After using the large spacing parameters of 14 × 16 , the current Existing Cut-off Grade Ore Drawing is especially prominent in ore loss and dilution , and then lead to the decline of recovery grade and the increasing of mineral separation .


  27. In this dissertation , rutile of Fangcheng in Henan was seen as representative of fine grain refractory rutile , process mineralogical and series of mineral separation processes such as table gravity , high gradient magnetic separation and pickling , ect .


  28. It described the comprehensive utilization of Mn , Ag , S in the mixed primary manganese ore by the combined technology of mineral separation and hydrometallurgy , and the best method of developing and utilizing the mixed primary manganese ore is expected to be found out .


  29. In view of the high fluorine content in the iron concentrate of Bao Steel 's Concentrator , JF-3 new collector for reverse flotation and FA depressor were used in the test on fluorine mineral separation from iron concentrate of Baotou oxidized ore series .


  30. It is feasible that salt pan technologies and mineral separation are merged into an organic whole in salt pan , which makes the cost of mineral separation reduced . It is able to make Li ~ + of brine precipitate quickly by adding Li_2CO_3 powder .
